Ari's tagged the phrase Full Contact Folk and I think on one of his promo pieces he actually dropped "Kung-fu Folk" and this is because his instruments including his feet banging on a box, shells tied to his shins, bells tied to his knees, and piles of sound effects made with his voice. Of course, I remember Ari writing tunes when he was 15 years old that made me shake my head with jealousy and awe. Some of those tunes still ring around my head and will never leave. There's something magical about this guy and now when I hear Ari play my heart swells with pride at how he has refined and redefined his craft of combining music and art.
He's going to be launching his very first live CD and DVD with what will inevitably be an epic experience at the Streaming Cafe on July 16. But he's chosen some really creative ways to help raise money for this project including a tiered package option for his fans to get plugged in using Rockethub. This being his 5th or 7th album or something (sorry, lost track) is super refreshing because it totally captures what he does live (obviously).
This album "Ari Neufeld - Live at the Dream Cafe" is a killer album with some great performances of some new tunes as well as some of the "classics". It'll be great to support him and see this dream of his come true (sorry for the lame pun) because he recorded this puppy at an amazing venue in Penticton with some amazing videographers, audio engineers, and not to mention that he totally nailed his performances of these 10 tunes. As usual, amazing.
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